Global Mapper
Global Mapper
Essential Software for Spatial information
-GIS / GPS / RS software function provided
Viewer functions such as raster/vector data, altitude data, etc.
Data conversion, editing, output, GPS, 3D terrain/building display function
-Direct access to V-World, USGS satellite imagery and topographical map database (Terra Server, USA)
-World DEM (30m, 15m), WMS data access and download function
-Supports various file formats
Distance and area calculation, image synthesis, DEM extraction, volume calculation
Image coordinate projection (Georeferencing), vector data generation and editing, contour creation
LiDAR (las, Point Cloud, purchase of additional modules), GPS connection function, etc.
Photogrammetric processing of digital images and 3D spatial data generation
-Photo Alignment
-Polygonal Mesh Generation
-Texture Mapping
-Aerial Triangulation
-Polygon model creation (general/texture)
-Coordinate system setting
-Digital elevation model (DEM) generation
-OrthoPhoto creation
-Supported file formats
. Input: JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, JPEG MPO (Multi-Picture Format), etc.
. Output: GeoTiff, XYZ, Google KML, Wavefront OBJ, PLY, VRML, COLLADA, Universal 3D, 3DS Max, PDF etc.
Rapid processing of imagery from drones, aircrafts and satellites
-Aerotrangulation: exterior orientation and camera calibration
-DSM generation: Digital Surface Model and point clouds generation
-DTM extraction
-DEM editing
-Ortho correction: True Orthos generation
-Feature extraction: Semi-automated 3D feature collection
-Mosaic: image creation and seamline manual editing
. UAV video
. Satellite image
GeoEye, WorldView, ALOS Prism, IKONOS, SPOT, Cartosat, RADARSAT-2, Pléiades, KOMPSAT
. Aerial photography
Microsoft UltraCam, Intergraph Z/I DMC, ADS80, VM A3, RCD30, Phase One, Optech CS, Multi-camera setups, including obliques, Scanned films